Author: Bertil HjertStroke
Rehabilitation can be referred to as a training as well as therapy that helps a person to comeback to normal and learn skills that were lost due to adverse affects of the stroke. The rehabilitation process gives importance to the damage part of the brain. It will keep tabs on the part of damaged brain and the amount of damage that has been done.
The process of stroke rehabilitation starts at the hospital. This is done as soon as the person gets stable after having a stroke. The team providing rehabilitation services include some experienced doctors, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists and recreational therapists.
The team focuses on the person’s ability to resume normal activities of daily living including dressing, eating and bathing. In extreme cases, some people may need help to learn how to walk, talk and overcome the disabilities produced by the stroke.
Stroke rehabilitation is an integral part of recovery for most people with a stroke. The process facilitates the individuals to build the coordination, strength endurance and tolerance.
When it comes to stroke rehabilitation, the doctor will determine whether you really need it and if yes, in what amount. Most people who have had a stroke get better and start leading a normal life. However, the time period you require to recover from the stroke through stroke rehabilitation depends on the severity of the stroke. The process of stroke rehab can start right after the attack. Certain improvements may be seen as soon as the brain starts healing.
The first step in a stress rehab is to diagnose a stroke. Several tests may be conducted on the patient in order to diagnose the type of stroke in order to help the professionals determine a treatment as well as rehab plan. These tests include blood sampling, E.C.G, brain scans such as CT scans, MRI, carotid ultrasound scanning, electro cardiogram etc.
Soon after the diagnosis, the medical treatment begins. The brain tissue suffers from damage due to blood clot or even internal bleeding. You should focus on starting various drug treatments in order to treat this condition. If used properly as advised, these drugs will help preventing damage to the brain.
Drugs used in treating stroke include anti-platelet drugs including aspirin to prevent clotting, cholesterol lowering drugs, antihypertensive drug and anticoagulant drugs.
Some patients require to go through surgical proceedings such as sterling in order to clear the clogs and reduce the intensity of the stroke.Rehabilitation is a difficult and time consuming task. However, it is important to go for this task as it helps the stroke survivors to learn the skills they lost due to the attack.
The process also helps the survivor in teaching new skill in order to make up for the disabilities one may have faced during the stroke.
Participation in a stroke rehabilitation helps a person to regain independence and achieve best possible quality of life. Practice is the key to success here.
Here are the therapies and exercises involved in a stroke rehabilitation process:
1. Communication disorder therapy
2. Strengthening of motor skills
3. Mobility training
4. Range of motion therapy
5. Psychological therapy
6. Electrical stimulation
7. Constraint-induced therapy
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